
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Scribbles and Scrambles - Cave Dwelling

The theme of the trip to Minnesota seems to be caves. So that's what I'll focus on today.

First, I must say that the cave tour and swing dance event was pretty fabulous. If you are ever in St. Paul and are dying to get a fix of ganster lore there's the link.

The first order of cave business is to report that no one was injured at swing night. Nor did we see any ghostly gangsters. The legend claims four men were yelling minutes before an eyewitness entered the room and saw three Tommy-Gunned messes and one holding the smoking gun. However, once the police got involved, all was cleaned up and the shooter and shootees didn't exit the cave. Rumor has it that the shooter likely got out eventually, but the shootees remained behind, buried in the sand.

After the tour, we took lessons. The girls in our gaggle out-numbered the males so they danced with other gentlemen.

A couple of the guys were labeled creepy.

I think I'll cover what makes a guy creepy to a young lady sometime in the near future. Because there were far less attractive men who danced all night, while the ones with the creep labels were looking for partners. So if you are a guy looking for a great girl and they run from you, come back and we'll see if we can't help you figure out how not to send out creep vibes.
And speaking of creepiness...we did not see a bat in the cave.
Until dinner the next night. New to we Iowans was a phrase uttered in annoyed sibling in Minnesotan - "Eww! You have a bat in the cave." Followed by the mother's comment, "Go get a Kleenex."
Very creative and guaranteed to be overused here.


  1. Man that was funny. A bat in the cave...ahhh, sure to be used here too. AM I understanding this right? You had to dance with someone other than the "one that brung ya"?

  2. you gave me a double whammy with those two jokes. (1.A guy with no arms and legs hanging on a wall?
    2.Name of guy with no arms and legs floating in a pool?)
    I tried to cheat and look the first one up. No luck. Hmmm...I'm thinking, about both, but I'm gettin' nothin'. I do see a trend though, with these limbless men.

    You'll have to give me a little help! Don't forget to tell me your other one too. My kids will think I'm the funniest mom ever now. tee hee
    here's mine...
    What's the difference between roast beef & Pea soup?

  3. I did dance with the one that brung me, and only one other who is an honorary nephew. My hubs on the other hand cut the rug with several beautiful females...but only two who weren't his daughters or equivalent. And I was one of those two and I've forgiven him for the other "mercy" dance. : )

    Art. Is the answer to 1

    Bob. The answer to 2.

    Tasteless...but fun.

    Here is my all time favorite.

    Two armless, legless men hanging out on a window.

    Can you do it?

    I'll think on the beef and soup one and get back to you. Ready, set, go.


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