
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Scribble and Scrambles - Short Term uh, um Memory Issues...

It's not like my brain holds huge life altering information.

Definitely not worldwide altering.

I suppose forgetting things could make a difference on a local level. When I instruct my patients..."Take a normal breath in and out. Now a deep breath in and hold it." I suppose I could neglect to say "Okay." and really impact one poor person's life. They'd notice I forgot a detail as they turn blue, purple, and then pass out onto my cold linoleum floor.

But I'm talking about the information that flies in one eye, ear, nostril and out the other. I often have fleeting thoughts..."I should"...but by the time I get past the I should, I've already forgotten what goes with it.

Yikes. I even use my little purse notebooks. I have two now. What's next, wearing one around my neck on a chain like those cute little reading glass holders? That's bound to get a little crowded.

Okay. So now onto my post. Uh. Hmmm. Uhhh. Yeah. Have a great day.


  1. So I'm not the only one, huh? Fun post on a not so fun problem. :) I've taken to carrying a small notebook in my purse. And I used to have such a good memory. *shrug*

  2. Ha! What a funny post!
    I'm a fellow purse notebooker. I used to do a paper list, now I'm 35 and I do a steno.
    This is Big Daddy's biggest beef with me. "Why didn't you..." "I thought you were gonna"...
    I mean well, I really do. I just think of things at the wrong time, like when I'm driving.
    I've taken to praying and asking God to remind me and telling BD to do the same. If I forget something, then it must not have been very important or He would have reminded me.

  3. Let me share something that might put this in perspective. You have kids, friends, family, blog-friends ect...right? So, you are remembering what bills to pay, where the kids have to be when, which review to post, what to fix for supper, ect...your memory seems to have holes in it, but really it's that your mind is so FULL that it's overflowing!

    You are remembering more now than ever before!! Good job!!



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