
Monday, February 25, 2008

Scribble and Scrambles - A Prayer For a Dark Monday

Though the accountant calls with nauseating news regarding our tax return, I will trust God.

Though the American economic situation has reached the midwest and the pressure and uncertainty of what tomorrow may bring is pressing a little too close to home, I will trust God.

Even though all the "known" avenues of security and quick-fix have dried up ... I have no choice, I will trust Him.

I will praise Him for providing what He has and for promising to provide in His time.

I will praise Him that the unsettling call was from the accountant and not a doctor.

I will praise Him that even though tomorrow is uncertain, my future is not. I know where I will spend eternity.

I will praise Him for the huge, fluffy snowflakes today, following sunshiney spring yesterday. These changes are a reminder that He is in control and does not behave as I prescribe.

I will praise Him for purring cats, a reminder that He creates with humanity in mind. For why else would a cat purr, but for a human to receive comfort or pleasure?

I will praise him for the laws of the land. Because they help protect me, even when I don't like them.

I will praise Him for His mercy and His discipline. Without His mercy I would be crushed. Without His discipline I would be a fool.

I will praise Him that He is more powerful than a phone call and a tax law. I will praise Him that He has made me His child and promises to meet my needs from His bank accounts.

Now. I feel better.


  1. a very good choice...
    I feel better now too

  2. Kelly,
    Dear friend, thank you for this powerful reminder of God's faithfulness! I learned sad news about my older brother yesterday...things seem so bleak...yet I know God is working out the details.

    Please know that I will be remembering you in prayer!


  3. I feel better too. "In God we trust." You brought those old words engraved and printed on all that money to life. And even if it ceases to be printed on our money...we can still DO it. Thanks K.


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