
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Scribble and Scrambles - Weather or NOT

Yesterday, in Iowa, during January, we hit 50ish degrees.

Almost balmy, I tell ya.

Today I breezed out of the house without my coat because it was 50 yesterday.


Today is a different story, try minus nine wind chill, actual temp two degrees.
We did have a fifty - something -- fifty mile an hour winds delivering flash frozen snowflakes.

You know I'm a fan of flakes. But I've decided I prefer mine when I'm hunkered down in the cozy couch with my hands wrapped around a warm mug of coffee or tea. Up close and personal pelting, also know as snowblasting, kind of takes the awe and excitement out of snowflakes.
Stay warm.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, it's 66 degrees in Alabama today, and I saw the first snow I've seen fall out of the sky in six years just two weeks ago.

    Perhaps you should find a long lost relative in Alabama and pop in for a visit! He! He!

    I don't like to be cold!




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