
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Scribble and Scrambles - Oh My!

I filled my new bookshelves. I mean I filled them. I don't have a clue how many books I have, but the space for new books is limited at best.

It leaves me pondering where I used to keep them all.

The really scary thing is this picture was taken after I unloaded large bags at my local and church libraries.

The books pictured on my shelves are the ones I want to read, have started to read or have finished and will go back to revisit.

Ha. To think that I thought my hubby was going overboard. Nope. He just knows me pretty well.

I suppose there are worse collections to have. This way I can at least pretend to be intelligent. If I pose neer the theology and study helps section anyway.

Lily peeks from the steps. Kind of creepy if you ask me.


  1. I am having the "what am I going to do with all these books?" dilemna. Maybe I need some shelves like yours. Especially since I now have books rolling in for my little girl!

  2. Oh!! I want a set!! Does your husband travel? ;-)

    We just purchased what I considered to be a large bookshelf and filled it almost immediately! I had the same thought..."where were these books to start with?" We have a HUGE book problem at our house! Guess one day we'll be living in a library!

    Your shelves are beautiful!!!


  3. You are a blessed woman:) It's funny this obsession with paper and ink...
    Creepy? It's adorable. I have two of them staring me down all the time:)

  4. Kim, my husband does travel and brings me with him especially if you live by the ocean and have balmy days. Do let me know if you offer those perks!!!

    And I guess I spoke for all of you with my book hunger eh what?

    And I am very blessed. If it would make y'all feel better I could post some pictures of my ongoing construction.


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