
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Scribble and Scrambles - I Love My Job

I made the mistake of asking my oldest daughter for a subject to blog about.

She suggested..."My Life as a Proctologist."

Fortunately, blogging about my life as a proctologist will be pure fiction or rambling, so I think I'm up (or down) for it.

As an x-ray technician, I get plenty of patient caregiver intimacy. Arm's length and I am glad of it. For a few seconds I considered going further into nursing, but then I remembered nursing requires involvement in bodily functions. In x-ray, at least in my realm of limited x-ray, I deal with breathing, some conversation, a few laughs, an occasional cough and a very rare sneeze.

I don't need to tell you that proctology doesn't exactly appeal to me, do I?

Other jobs I'm pretty sure I don't envy:

Refuse Collection (Trash Chick)
Sewage Plant Worker
Reptile Herder
Rocky Mountain Oyster Collector
Snake Milker
Any job ever appearing on Dirty Jobs including that of the host.

After running this little essay past my daughter she tells me I passed her test. I feel better.

In case you are curious, proctology is not recognized in the blogger dictionary.

Maybe all the other bloggers need to use it more often.

Just a thought.


  1. there's a blogger dictionary?
    I couldn't do nursing either. I also wouldn't want to do anything that required me to stay outside or work with numbers or take my clothes off:) The worst job I can imagine though? Seriously. Throwing the switch on executions. How horrible would that be?

  2. This is a great post Kelly! It made me think of my grandmother-in-law, who I have a terrific relationship with! Almost every year, without fail, the subject of the annual female physical comes up. And always, the conversation includes the comment from this dear lady, "I don't know how he goes home and eats dinner at night after looking at that all day!"

    Cracks me up!!!

    Thanks for the smile!


  3. Actually, it's blogger spell check. Dictionary sounds more literary.

    Kim, that is funny.

    Thanks, girls.


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