
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Serials and Scenarios - Nobody

Nobody (Click on book cover to visit Amazon page)

Visit Creston Mapes

My Review:

Humanity deals with several major questions often wrestling with them at two a.m. or during crisis. The big one is “Does God exist?” But the more troubling, “Does my life matter?” steals more sleep.

Nobody is a book that explores the second question through compelling storytelling. Creston Mapes has grown as a writer and the tightness of his prose makes Nobody a tense read as Chester, a millionaire “nobody” manages to change lives as a homeless man on the streets of Las Vegas. More amazing is the effect of his murder on the people left behind.

Told as a multiple first person narrative the plot moves smoothly from the first minutes after Chester’s murder to the beginning of justice for his murderer.

Nobody works well as a modern retelling of the parable of talents. It's worth digging into and scratching the “Does my life make a difference?” itch.

Come back Friday for an interview with Creston.

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