
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Serials and Scenarios - Kathy Herman's Never Look Back

This is a big week for book releases and reviews.

Read below to see my review of Kathy Herman's Never Look Back. Click on the book cover to get more details.

Never Look Back ably and tensely handles some very delicate subjects, a "rehabilitated" drug user who valued getting high over her child, an alcoholic barely on the road to recovery, a town full of people who watch and wait for the town bad girl to mess up and a violent psychopath looking for kicks.

This is a great cold winter read unless you are very squeamish or sensitive to addictions. Several twists and secrets are revealed along the storyline, most of which I guessed early on, which I don't always do, but figuring things out didn't ruin the story for me at all.

If you are a Kathy Herman fan or want to continue reading about Ivy Griffith's road to recovery and healing, you are going to want to get a copy of Never Look Back. If you know someone who dabbled in a past that now haunts them as they see shameful junk in the new light of day, this could be a series that helps them begin to stop looking behind and start moving forward.

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