
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Sunday Dinner

Martha Stewart, I'm not. I'm not even her backwoods third-cousin fifth-removed.

Therefore, no chance of fancy at my place.

No fall-flaired decor, unless you count the leaves that sneak in on various forms of footwear that may or may not find themselves hastily swept up.

Does this stop me from inviting people to my home?


It may stop people from accepting my invitations...but that's beside the point.

Today I decided to make chili dogs and invite a few people for Sunday dinner. Of course, lunch wasn't ready til two because I had to throw everything together. And clear a few spots. Oh, and decide about the menu (you can't just serve chili dogs) and work around the family members who wanted to be helpful with great ideas of their own.

Finally, after a last minute attempt to make Rice Krispie treats, without recipe or measuring, which resulted in a small fire...
You think I'm kidding. I have witnesses.
After managing to decorate my entire chest and abdomen with chili sauce... We sat down to eat.
We had the best conversation and a relaxed time. Go figure. So, try to stuff that in a gourd, Martha.


  1. Sounds perfect. Isn't perfect so imperfect sometimes?

    Glad you had a good lunch and a few laughs.

  2. Kelly, you capture my life so well! Perfect Sunday lunch! I wish we lived next door! Bravo!!


  3. Kelly,
    I guess if we did live next door, meal times would always be an adventure, huh? Ha! Ha!

    I'll look forward to reading your review on Return tomorrow! I read the first in the series and loved it. And believe me, sci-fi is NOT my bag!


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