
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Scribble and Scrambles - Are You in Your Right Mind? Plus Giveaway Announcement.

Okay, this is cool.

Are you right or left brained? Click to find out. Hopefully, you are one or the other.

Yes. Yes, I am procrastinating...

And thanks, Kim, for the promise to pray for my weekend angst.

Note: Think of a celebrity that you should be or are praying for. Beginning at 2:30 today (central time) you'll have a chance to share that person's name in the comment section of my post for the day. And if you are one of the three names I draw out of a hat (okay, not a hat, actually a clean coffee mug if I can find one) you'll get a copy of Amy Grant's new biography, Mosaic. I'll give you til 2:30 central tomorrow and I'll announce the winners on Thursday.


  1. I'm right-brained. Which are you, Kelly?

    I tried oh so hard to refocus and see the woman turning anticlockwise but I couldn't. This must be a joke... certainly she is only turning clockwise!!!

  2. Oops. Should I have told you I'm right-brained. I totally agree with Kristi...I can't force her to go anticlockwise or as I've always called it counterclockwise.


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