
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Scribble and Scrambles - Creature Update

Feral Will


Lily and Lola

Our monster puppies are growing. Of course I don't have updated pictures at the moment, this was snapped a month ago. They may have doubled in size since then. For sure, they have tripled in size since they dropped into our lives.

Feral Will delights in teasing the puppies which makes for a load of fun trying to keep him from being enthusiastically stomped in return.
This morning, as the puppy owner and I prayed, I wondered if the gift of tongues had anointed her. All of a sudden, while she was praying for the details of our day, she grew more vocal than normal, uttering words in stage whispers and growls. But it turns out she was simply multitaskingly disciplining wrestling puppies who were curious about the coffee mugs on the table and Feral Will who played hide and seek, unfairly and with cruel intentions.
Oh, yeah, there's a whole lot more life in the house lately.

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