
Friday, June 08, 2007

Serials and Scenarios - Tribulation House

Click on book to go to Amazon page.

My Review:

I didn’t get my copy of Tribulation House until after the blog tour several weeks ago. Since I’ve now got a copy in my hands, I’m going to share my review.

Chris Well is truly a creative writer. In his hands words, grammar and punctuation take on artistic and unusual configurations. Unless you are a phobic regarding proper book-stylings, this is a good thing.

Unique blends of POV are woven throughout. Well obviously knows writing rules and then he transcends them.

Not only is Tribulation House a wild and crazy read like you might imagine from the premise. It is touching and spiritually and emotionally challenging. Well is similar in style to Ray Blackston and a newcomer, Geoffrey Wood, using humorous situations to penetrate and weave a story that will stick with the reader.

I’m giving Tribulation House 4.5 stars.


  1. Kelly, I just wanted to say that I think you are doing well. Reading all these books, writing all these reviews, meeting authors, doing interviews, heading things up at Novel Reviews, making connections...
    Where is it all leading? Who knows? God knows, and I pray He'll keep directing you. Your writing voice is so unique and funny, yet filled with grace and spiritual truth and honesty. I can't wait to see what becomes of you! God bless.

  2. Thanks, Janet, you little cheerleader, you.

    The feeling is mutual.

    I'm content to glow in a dark little corner of the world until we can co-teach a class at ACFW, how about you?

  3. Ooh, ooh, can I run the projector?


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