
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Scribbles and Scrambles - Drama, Drama, Drama

Because of the risk of offending one or more of my faithful readers, I tremble as I type.

You see, I’m going to say a few things that may cause balking, gagging, retching or straining in some certain effusive and entertaining friends.

Even though I’ve taught a drama class or two. Even though I took a bit part in a high school play and turned my character into a scene stealer…I am not a thespian at heart.

Oh, I can play a thespian. But I am not one.

That said, I transported my child to a drama club meeting last night. She invited me to stay. Oh, the roil and boil of emotions unleashed within. Rapid-fire scenes flashed through my mind. My acting debut, the laughs, the applause. Then the scene in which I played an extra during a training video…the one where on-lookers were supposed to view a scene with horror. The director stopped everything with “Cut! Hey, you in the brown, stop smiling, this is a serious scene.” Of course my friend had to nudge me and point at my brown sweater before I realized that he was talking to me. Oops. My Bad. Then my thoughts jumped to Saturday Night Live’s Jon Lovitz, actor extraordinaire shouting, “I was only acting!”

I shook my head, sadly. “No thanks, but have fun.”

What does one do at a drama club meeting?

Do they all share stories and the one who elicits the most enthusiastic response wins? I don’t think I want to know.

I’m pretty sure I’d rather be in an invisible box with 150 mimes than in a drama club meeting.

Hey. I was only acting!


  1. Would you be interested in joining the blog tour for Tricia's new non-fiction book for teens, My Life, Unscripted?

    "Drawing on Biblical principles, My Life, Unscripted guides girls through the tumultuous teen years by teaching them to have a plan of attack before temptation or hardship come".

    Tricia would love your help spreading the word about this unique and much needed teen resource. It's great for church youth groups, book clubs or other teen groups and organizations.

    Thanks for your time,

    Amy Lathrop

  2. In junior high I played juror # 9 in our production of Twelve Angry People (we changed it from 12 angry men since we were mostly girls:) That's been about it for me.


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