
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Scribbles and Scrambles - Sleeping Single in a Double Bunk

In all the years we've been married, in all the sleep situations in which we've found ourselves - I have yet to have had the pleasure of sharing a bunk bed with my hubby.

This has changed.

We traveled to Minnesota over the weekend and the "grown-up" beds were all spoken for. I've slept in the bunk beds before...about 28 years ago while we were dating and I visited Minnesota with Rob's family. This trip, I had company. Rob grabbed the top bunk which turned out to be fortunate with my ability to injure myself.

Since we've been married we've shared a tent in the pouring rain ( a few times). A tent jam-packed full of children in all types of weather. Rocks have bruised my kidneys and small furry mammals interrupted my sleep. Our lullaby -- the buzzing of blood-thirsty mosquitoes alerting the others to fresh meat. Drifting off to the warm and fuzzy knowledge of a two a.m. walk to the outhouse should I attempt to slake my thirst.

We've slept in a family bed. Short-lived. Once I slept between him and a frightened child who had already surpassed me in height. This was a one-time arrangement. I awoke in a panic, suffocating, pinned and overheated, I bolted. Now the children are invited to sleep on the floor when a thunderstorm strikes. (Yeah, go ahead, notify PETA).

My hubby's former boss took us on a cruise once (in lieu of paying overtime -- probably highly frowned upon by wage and labor laws -- but, oh well). We were rocked to sleep in two single beds, but each pillow contained a mint every night.

Would I recommend a bunk bed? Well, the mattresses were new. That was a good thing -- especially upon hearing about the condition of the previous ones that rested on the rusted springs for 30+ years. Shudder.

I felt tall. If I stretched out I could touch both walls, as a matter of fact anyone over the height of 5'7" probably couldn't sleep without being overcome by claustrophobic nightmares full of rabid monkeys and bad poetry.

Speaking of rabid monkeys, I echo Dorothy "there is no place like home." As long as the children sleep on the floor, that is. And, in a pinch, borrowed beds without mosquitoes come in a close second.


  1. Kelly, girl, you have found your niche! You are a humor columnist! What a hoot!!!

    And no thanks on the bunks. The Hilton has become my favorite camping place.

    Kidding, actually. I love to camp. But I want a mosquito-proof tent!

  2. Kelly,

    Where, in Minnesota were you? Had I known you were coming to Minnesota and if you were anywhere near our home or our place up north....we would have loved hosting you for an overnight or two!

    My husband and I sleep in a King size bed every night....and hve grown quite comfortable to never touching each other!!! We've only been camping, real camping that is, once in the 33 years we've been married--it was ......memorable. I'll leave it at that!

    Hope you had a nice visit to Minnesota. Where did you go? Brainerd area? Minneapolis? Duluth? Couldn't have been Duluth..the mosquitoes don't wake out of hybernation there...until July!


  3. I love camping too. Here's a confession. Every other night Dave sleeps at the firehouse and I absolutely love sleeping alone. Maybe that lacks romance, but it's true. I like to be able to make a big X with my arms and legs and not hit anyone.

  4. Diane,

    We didn't contend with mosquitoes over the weekend -- but we have encountered your state bird many times before.

    My hub's folks have a place on Star Lake. Near Fergus Falls, Pelican Rapids. The land of the huge pelican and loon.

    And we had a cozy good time with Rob's brother, his wife and Rob's folks. The men had a working weekend and I must admit I did some shopping. : )

    And Janet - you are in a confessing mood, gf. But I hear you. There is something to be said for stretching out -- every once in awhile.)


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