
Monday, December 04, 2006

Scribbles and Scrambles - Blog Fog

I'm having a little trouble.

I can't focus.

The pressure is mounting.

I must leave my computer soon and I won't be back today.

Argh! Something quippy, inane, clever needs to come to mind. I'm waiting.

Nothing. Oh, plenty of swirling thoughts, but nothing falling into the chute that leads to the creativity pathway.

I think I'm suffering from Blog Fog.

Or Clever Constipation.

Do they make a pill for this? Should I eat extra fiber?

Okay. I'm taking a deep breath. Don't slap me.

I'll blame it on Monday. Yeah. That's it. Monday. The first Monday in December... after a month long challenge to pull words from my brain for NaNoWriMo. Good excuse.

I did it, by the way. I completed 50,000 words. I may finish the book. I like my characters. I like the story line.

Whew. I feel a little better.


  1. Congrats on reaching your goal, Kelly! That's awesome. My treatment for brain blank? Go for a long walk outside. Look at all the stuff God made. Remember how insignificant our blogs are. Then, I just bet you'll come up with something brilliant. Works for me:)

  2. 50k words!! wahoo. Clever constipation and a fiber pill? Let me know how that works, I may try it.

  3. I like that, Kelly ... "blog fog." I've had that a time or two.

    Hey! Thanks for the visit to my blog. I see by your profile we have several likes in common--among them, Napolean Dynamite and The Last Sin Eater. Everyone else always cites FR's Redeeming Love as their favorite. While I do like that one, The Last Sin Eater tops my list.

    Great job on completing 50,000 words. You're inspiring the rest of us. :)


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