
Friday, October 27, 2006

Scribbles and Scrambles - Beware the Ides of November

Insanity is my middle name. Okay, it’s actually Sue, but for the purpose of illustration today, it’s Insanity.

It has a nice ring, I think. But we’ve already established I’m insane.

Not only have I taken on two classes to teach on top of the other November happenings, I have decided to do NaNoWriMo again.

Last year I finished well, won a certificate of completion which I framed in a nice, red 8x10.

NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. In the month of November many foolish and/or driven people set out to conquer a novel.

My posts on Scrambled Dregs will no doubt take an interesting slant as I reel from the sheer number of words and hours spent typing them.

I’d like to ask you, my dear readers, to throw out a name worthy of my heroine.

She’s in her twenties, quirky, loves kids and coffee. Give it a shot. If I choose your suggestion I will award you with an autographed copy should any ever see the light of day.

If anything good flows from my fingers onto the screen, I may share a few scenes with you. Why not, it seems like something an insane person might do.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I may just have to use Kelly Sue Klepfer for a protag name. It's better than the ones I invent.

    Let's see...a name. Quirky. Coffee. Kids.

    Elizabeth, but she's always gone by "Biz."

    Hey, you get what you pay for.

  2. Suzy? Oh, how about Janet? Or Chloe like my 6 year old. Chloe is a cool name. Make it a scary book and call her Insanity! Good for you doing Nano...whatever. I'd do it if I wasn't in the middle of my novel already. Have a great weekend.

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    how about kelly, that's your name, it's my name, she's quirky, you're insane, and I'm weird.

  4. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Twenties. Quirky. Coffee. Kids. Sounds like Julianna to me. But how about Jenna? I think Hansen would be a good last name. There was a girl in my highschool class like this and her name was Amberly.

  5. Anonymous6:10 PM

    This my be a little late but I was here and so I thoght I'd leave behind my two cents worth (with out the charge).

    Well she sounds like Julianna and myself and since we share the same middle mane she would have the same middle name, plus there is this name I have always loved for a girl...So here goes....

    Randy Elizabeth Darrington aka. Her friends call her Red.

    K thats all I've got...take it or leave it.

  6. Anonymous6:12 PM

    This my be a little late but I was here and so I thoght I'd leave behind my two cents worth (with out the charge).

    Well she sounds like Julianna and myself and since we share the same middle mane she would have the same middle name, plus there is this name I have always loved for a girl...So here goes....

    Randy Elizabeth Darrington aka. Her friends call her Red.

    K thats all I've got...take it or leave it.


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