
Friday, September 15, 2006

Serials and Scenarios - New Book Info - Squat

Every once and awhile I'll be posting information about new book releases. Some of which I've read, and in that case I'll pepper you with my impressions.

I have not read Squat so I can't give you my opinions on the book, but this statement is posted on the Squat website: "All author proceeds from Squat will go to Graffiti Community Ministries, Inc., a service arm of the East Seventh Street Baptist Church on the Lower East Side of Manhattan where Field preaches."

I'm impressed with the obvious love Mr. Field has for the people of Manhattan.

Do a little investigation, click the links. And have a great weekend!


Amazon Page:

1 comment:

  1. Good job. the links are the key elements!

    Because of our massive link love, Squat has remained as the #2 book on the Technorati Popular book list for the last three days!

    CFBAers rock!


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