
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Scribbles and Scrambles - Had a Nice Trip - Literally

I’m peeking out of the mound of paper piled upon my desk while I was gone.

A quick little list of what I learned on my trip follows.

Tomorrow brings a book review and info, and Friday will feature a requested poem about traffic. Start thinking about a traffic poem you can leave in the comment section. I’d love to see yours.

What I learned in Dallas…and Minneapolis

Sci-Fi/Fantasy authors sometimes have very vivid dreams at 5:00 a.m.

Waking to screaming/moaning at 5:00 a.m. pretty much guarantees you’re up for the day.

Michelle and I have a fan and, unless she changes her contact information to avoid us, she’ll buy our book someday.

If I eat or drink ANYTHING I will spill it.

Large starched linen dinner napkins make for great coverage, but cool points are forfeited.

Scanning the room for people you’d like to impress is a good idea before saying or doing something really stupid.

Texas revolving doors are tricky.

Chef hand-puppets are wonderful icebreakers though not so much where editors are concerned.

Comedy writing and hysterical laughter don’t always make for pleasant companions. Sometimes hysterical laughter is just a distraction especially when it’s focused on flying mints.

Klutziness is contagious.


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I have to travel this week so here is my traffic poem.

    It was my wedding day
    And I was driving
    And singing I'll Do It My Way

    The car in front of me
    Hit its breaks before I could see
    My floral ring in my hair
    Went flying out the door

    Should have seen
    It'd end in divorce
    Stay off the highways!

  2. Welcome back, Kelly! I had trouble with those doors too and kind of injured Mike in the process. Who knew you weren't supposed to push them? You and Michelle are so fun. God was so good to bring us all to Dallas together. Can't wait to do it again!


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