
Monday, August 21, 2006

Snippets and Sound Bites -- I'm a Bit Excited......

Happy Monday.

I've escaped from the rat race, even though my co-workers are all lovely and look nothing like rodents, for one more day.

Today is pretty much my last day with nothing to do but write, and paint. I managed to be pretty productive last week. Not only did I paint several rooms, but one of the things I wrote and submitted tied for second place, runner up, whatever you'd like to call it. You can see it tomorrow, August 22, 2006 if you click this . If you go today, you can see Karen Robbins winning entry.

I'm not going to lie. I'm pretty jazzed about sharing the honor with Michael Snyder. I'm also still tingling from hyperventilating over the fact that four top Christian novelists actually chose my entry. Congratulations Karen and Michael.

I've come a long way from my stumble into Christian writing and contests two years ago.

I'd like to publicly thank all the excellent people who are a tremendous help to those who don't have a clue. I've learned so much, and still have much to learn.

My critique group - The Penwrights - are beyond wonderful. I've grown from conferences I've attended, and many loops.

I've bled, wept and even despaired, let me tell you, but once all the beatings stop - the healing process feels so good.


  1. Looking forward to reading your piece, Kelly. Snyder personally told me he'd arm wrestle you for the top spot, but was afraid you'd whip him. I guess all those beatings at Penwrights has made you one intimidating author. You didn't threaten to peform a half-Nelson on the contest judges, did you? Really, congratulations!

  2. Good luck on your writing!

    T. Suzanne Eller


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