
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Scribbles and Scrambles - Squashed Song

I fear poetry. When I'm serious, will I make people laugh? If I attempt to be vague will anyone get it? Today I'm inspired though. Inspired and brave.

My very public attempt at a poem. I hope it touches your hearts.

Ode to the Blasted Squeaking Cricket

Glossy obsidian armor
Talent oozes, your song inspires
Delicate strings played to perfection

Fingers of dusk,
Encroaching twilight,
Awakens your siren song.

Memories flow with your symphony,
Hide and seek, tag
Campfires and stolen kisses

Somehow, you’ve stolen
Into my home
Alone, the notes fall sour

Thoughts of you flood me
Crushed obsidian shell
Squished cream filling

Die, cricket, die.


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Rather a violent end.
    I think you may have a gory Viking saga in you somewhere.

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    You are deeply disturbed. That is more angst ridden than a Jewel poem.

  3. Wow. I always suspected their might be a stranger soul in the world than I and now I know there is. You're a strange one KK. Talented and weird. Two requirements of all my friends. :)

  4. LOL! I'm with you. Nothing more annoying than a cricket in the house, unless it's a spider. Either way, they all must die!

  5. You're a poet?
    I didn't knowit...

    Sorry. Wow. Very cool, but poor cricket. Crickets are the one bug I take the trouble to re-locate rather than squish. In China you'd be considered a criminal!

  6. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I must agree with Anonymous, you are disturbed. Greatly in fact!

  7. I can see I've touched a nerve with my readers.


    I especially appreciate anonymous and anonymous the 2nd for the deeply thought out comments.

    More angst than Jewel - I may have that carved on my tombstone or at least put on a t-shirt.


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