
Friday, June 21, 2013

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Safari Zoological Park

When Rob, my hubby, and the group from church went to Oklahoma to help with tornado relief they made a side trip on the way back to Iowa.

Fox News Story 2008 
I remember this story from 2008. The mama retriever raising tiger cubs. How sweet. And one of the sweetest parts is that this viral story kept this small zoo, Safari Zoological Park, functioning. 

Our family history includes zoos. Our kids loved animals, wildlife and museums so some of our fondest family memories include zoo visits. Since we live in the shadow of one of the world's highly rated zoos, the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo, our zoo bar is high. Rob happened to be on this Oklahoma mission trip with our son and daughter-in-law and this trip was indeed memorable. 

They paid for the VIP tour and got every penny of their money's worth. From the tiger catch-the-carcass display, and the nuzzling bear, to the hand's-on once-in-a-lifetime moments, they were able to pet a few critters and see behind the scenes. If you are in Kansas this summer. This little zoo is highly recommended by Iowa zoo lovers.